Template Explanation

How to use this template and change it

Use this project as as a template for your own website

To use this project the repository has to be forked.

Fork and clone the project

TODO Navigate to this URL to create a fork of this repository. Whenever a change is pushed to the default branch, the site is deployed. TODO After one initial change, the link under which the page is published, can be accessed under https://gitlab.uni-marburg.de/your_group_or_username/repository_name/pages or by clicking on Deploy -> Pages in the left navigation pane.

Visibility/Access to Page

To change who can access the page, the visibility can be changed under Settings -> General -> Visibility.

After this multiple options exist to work on the page depending on the user’s taste. While the first option requires no setup, the third option allows to iterate the fastest and see changes in real time.

Make changes

The project of this repository and how it is used by Hugo is explained more in-depth here.

  1. The project can be worked on completely in GitLab. This does not require any local installation/setup (i.e., git or Hugo), but requires to wait for GitLab to publish changes to see them (takes ~1 minute).
  2. Clone the project and work locally on it, but rely on GitLab to build and publish the page to see changes.
  3. Clone the project and locally install mkdocs, iterate fast while seeing changes with the local development page.

Clone the project (optional)

Clone the project to your local machine. Use your IDE or copy the URL and run git clone <your_url> from a command line.

Installation of Hugo and dependencies (optional)

The recommended way to install the hugo can be seen here.

After installing you can start the local development page with hugo serve, you can navigate to the page in the browser using

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Mar 07, 2022 14:00 UTC